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- ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ COPYTREE - Copy files/subdirectories with options. ║
- ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- Copyright (C) 1986 by Tridium, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- This program is distributed as SHAREWARE.
- We request $10 for use of this program.
- Please send a check or money order to:
- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ ┌──┐ │
- │ Tridium, Inc. └──┘ │
- │ BOX 979 │
- │ 39 Bowery │
- │ New York, NY 10002 │
- └──────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- CopyTree package consists of two programs. CT.EXE and ST.EXE. Both of these
- are useful when backing up or transferring large volumes of disk files, as
- well as for the less critical copy operations.
- Because of the many options and protection features built into this package,
- it is ideal for management of big projects, and distribution and exchange of
- IBM PC/XT/AT compatible files.
- The program is designed to work on all IBM PC family computers, including
- IBM AT, with or without a hard disk. It has also been tested on some close
- compatibles. It requires around 30k of RAM.
- Here are some of the highlights of this package:
- ■■ Copies entire tree structures from source to anywhere on the
- destination.
- ■■ Has similar MOVE feature, allowing move of file names from one
- sub-tree to another, without copying file contents.
- ■■ Allows multiple wildcard patterns to specify which files are to
- be copied. Also, allows 'negative' patterns, i.e. you can specify
- which files are not to be included.
- ■■ Allows selective copy of files that don't exist or are new versions
- of the files on the destination.
- ■■ Allows update copy, so that only new versions of already existing
- files are copied to the destination.
- ■ Warns the user when copy will destroy a newer file with an older one,
- and prompts if the operation should continue.
- ■ Can be interrupted at any time by pressing a key. Has a full featured
- menu with options to skip file, quit copying, or temporarily exit to
- DOS.
- ■ Will copy to multiple diskettes if source does not fit on one.
- ■ Includes comprehensive display of the copy statistics as the copy
- operation progresses.
- ■■ Includes a program that will display the total size of the source
- files before the copy operation is started (ST - Size Tree program).
- ┌────────────────────────────┐
- │ Copy Tree Program (CT.EXE) │
- └────────────────────────────┘
- Usage:
- ──────
- CT [/switch]...[/switch] [source] [destination]
- /switch:
- /GROUP - Copy files from the source(s) into one destination directory.
- If /Subdir is not selected, this has no effect.
- /MOVE - Move files between directories on the same device.
- The file contents are not affected --
- -- the names are merely moved to a different path.
- /NEW - Copy only new files. Copy files that are not already
- on the destination disk or are later generations.
- /SUBDIR - Copy the contents of the source path, including any
- subdirectories, to the corresponding subdirectories
- in the destination path.
- (this command may be modified by /Group option)
- /UPDATE - Copy only files that are new versions of files already
- existing on the destination. This is a more selective
- version of /NEW option (above).
- /VERIFY - Turn the DOS verify switch on during the operation.
- /WIPE - Completely destroy the contents of the source files
- after the copying process (for security reasons).
- The files are erased and then deleted.
- Warning : Use this option with care!
- This is not available with the /Move option.
- the path from which to copy/move files. The specification may be by
- the filename, by a single wildcard pattern (* and ?), or by a list of
- wildcards or filenames. If you wish to copy all of the files from the
- source path, enter *.* for the filename, or just the directory name:
- CT C:\*.* C:\BIN
- is equivalent to
- CT C:\ C:\BIN
- To specify which files not to copy, precede file name (may contain
- wildcards) with a single ! character. E.g.:
- CT C:\!*.EXE A:
- means to copy all files NOT matching *.EXE to drive A. If you wish,
- you can specify more than one pattern. In this case, you will have to
- use a list of patterns, delimited by [ ] characters. This list can be
- entered anywhere where a regular pattern can be entered. For example:
- CT C:\[*.DOC *.TXT] A:
- is equivalent to
- CT C:\*.DOC A:
- CT C:\*.TXT A:
- Here is a more complex example:
- CT C:\SRC\[*.C *.H !OLD*.C] A:
- will copy all *.C and *.H files from drive C directory SRC to drive A,
- excluding any *.C file starting with OLD*.
- The path to copy or move the files to. This must be a directory
- or a device specification; it cannot be a file.
- If /S switch is used, all of the files and subdirectories of
- the source path will be copied or moved to this path.
- If /M switch is used, the destination cannot be on a different
- drive from the source. Move is only allowed between directories
- on the same drive.
- ╔══════════════════════╗
- │ CopyTree Arguments │
- ╚══════════════════════╝
- The CT program will copy any number of files and subdirectories with files
- to a specified device or path. This allows moving full directories, or
- just files. It should not be used to rename files, as in:
- CT text.c text.bak
- This will NOT work properly -- the destination cannot be a filename --
- it must be a directory or a device.
- If no arguments are entered, the program will display a copyright
- message and prompt for the source path. At this point, you can type
- in the source path, and any of the switches that you wish to include.
- The program will then prompt for the destination path. At this point
- you may enter the destination path and any additional options.
- ╔══════════════════╗
- │ CopyTree Options │
- ╚══════════════════╝
- Options may be entered anywhere in the command line(s). They may be
- abbreviated by the first letter, except for /Wipe, which must be
- completely typed. Uperr or lower case is not significant.
- If a directory does not already exist on the destination path, it will
- be created. This makes it possible to copy entire directory structures
- to anywhere in the destination path.
- This should be used together with the /SUBDIR option. In all other
- cases this will not have any effect. The purpose of this option is to
- copy or move files from multiple subdirectories on the source to the
- destination path (in the corresponding subdirectories unless /Group is
- used). For example, if you wish to copy all of the *.DOC files from
- your hard disk into DOCS directory on drive A: , you could use:
- CT /S /L c:\*.doc a:\docs
- This will go through all directories on drive C: and copy all files
- matching *.DOC into DOCS directory on drive A:.
- This option allows moving files from one directory to any other directory
- on the same device. Only the names will change their location, the actual
- contents of files will not be moved.
- /NEW
- Copy only files that do not already exist on the destination path, or
- are more recent than the ones on the destination. This saves time
- when you wish to update an already existing subdirectory with new
- versions of some of the files.
- Note: If /Wipe is selected, then only the files copied are destroyed.
- ie. files that are are older generations that match the source specification
- will not be affected.
- Copy all of files indicated by the source argument, including all of the
- subdirectories. If the source path specified includes wildcards, only files
- matching the wildcard will be copied. For example,
- CT /S C:\*.DOC A:
- will copy all of the files with extension .DOC in the top level of the path
- as well as in the subdirectories of that path, on drive C:, to drive A:
- This option is a more restrictive form of the /NEW switch. It
- requests a copy of only updates to the files already existing on the
- destination. This means that no files will be added to the
- destination, only old ones replaced by new versions. This option,
- probably, should not be used together with /MOVE command, since it
- will request a move to a directory where the file already exists.
- This will bring up the error menu for each file being moved, which is
- probably not the desired effect.
- This option request a verify to be performed as the file is copied to
- the destination. This will have the same effect as the DOS VERIFY ON
- command, but will last only for the duration of the copy. On exit,
- the original VERIFY state will be restored (ON or OFF).
- This option copies the contents of the sources files to the
- destination path, erases the contents of the source files, and then
- deletes them. It must be entered completely, i.e. /WIPE; /W will not
- work. Before erasing the first file, the program will pause and ask
- if it should continue wiping files without prompts. If the answer is
- yes, the program will go on copying the rest of the files, and wiping
- the sources. If No is selected, then after copying each file, the
- program will pause and ask the user if the source file is to be wiped.
- Note: This option is not allowed with the /Move option, since the
- source file is automatically removed from the source path.
- ╔═════════════════════════════╗
- ╚═════════════════════════════╝
- Warnings
- ────────
- Before each file is copied, the destination path will be checked for a
- file with the same name. If a duplicate name exists in the
- destination path, and is of a later date than the source file, the
- program will pause, and ask the user if the file should be copied.
- This makes it possible to avoid overwriting a new version of a file
- with an old one. If the source file is of a later date, then it will
- be copied to the destination without pausing. The same prompt will be
- given if the destination file is of the same date as the source, but
- the files have different sizes.
- If /MOVE option is in effect, and a file is being moved to a directory
- where that file already exists, an error menu (below) will be
- displayed. At this point, the user can go and delete the file or
- select to skip it.
- Error Menu
- ──────────
- If the destination device has no space left, or a key is typed while
- copying, the program will stop, and display the following message
- and menu of choices :
- (C)ontinue copy
- (P)ush to DOS
- (S)kip this file
- (Q)uit copying
- Entering 'C' will restart the copy on the last file that was displayed.
- Entering 'P' will temporarily exit to DOS. At the DOS level you can
- remove some files from the destination diskette, replace the destination
- diskette, or format a new diskette. Type EXIT to return to CT.
- Type 'C' to continue copying.
- Entering 'S' will force CT to skip copying the last file displayed. This
- may be useful if the file is too big to fit on the destination, or you
- don't wish to copy it.
- Entering 'Q' will stop copying, and exit to DOS (permanently). Note that
- the last file displayed was not copied.
- ╔═════════════════════════╗
- │ CopyTree Comments │
- ╚═════════════════════════╝
- Switches starting with / can be entered anywhere on the line. The
- first non-switch string encountered is assumed to be the source path,
- the second is the destination path. If the destination is omitted,
- the current drive and directory is assumed. Switches may be entered
- by including one or more letters, except for the /WIPE switch, which
- cannot be abbreviated.
- When copying and moving files, CT will display each one as it is being
- operated on. In addition, you will see the file size in bytes, the
- date of the file creation, and the percent of remaining free space on
- the destination disk. When the file is copied (or moved) you will see
- the operation code displayed. If this is just a check mark, the
- operation was successful. If it is a check mark followed by a word
- Replaced this means there was a duplicate file on the destination that
- was replaced with the source file. If the display is "Not Modified"
- (with /New option) this implies the file did not need updating.
- Pressing any key while the files are being copied will force the
- program to stop, and process user requests (once the disk I/O for the
- current file is finished). (See "Error Menu" under "ERROR CONDITIONS").
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ┌────────────────────────────┐
- │ Size Tree Utility (ST.EXE) │
- └────────────────────────────┘
- ST program is provided for your convenience. It will enable you to
- determine approximately how much space you will need on the destination
- when copying sub-trees or single directories. This program is a stand -
- alone program, and can be run without CT program.
- ST will look under all files in the specified path, and all of the
- sub-directories. This means it will provide the total size of the
- entire sub-tree. This will include the same files as the ones copied
- by CT program with switch /S.
- Usage:
- ──────
- ST [/switch] [path]
- switch can be:
- /Print - enables display of all files and directories
- being scanned and included in the total.
- /Files - don't look in sub-directories, just count
- files on the selected path.
- Again, it can be abbreviated to just the first letter: /P or /F, and
- can be placed anywhere on the command line.
- path:
- Path is the path on which to look for the selected files.
- For a complete description of this, look under SOURCE
- path description for CopyTree program (above). All of the
- pattern features supported by the CT program are supported
- here.
- Examples:
- ST /p *.EXE - This will determine total size of all *.EXE files
- in the sub-tree, and display all of them on the screen.
- ST !*.OBJ - Determine size of all files in the current sub-tree,
- not including the object files (*.OBJ).
- ST /f[*.C *.H *.DOC]/p - Determine size of all *.C, *.H and *.DOC
- files in the current sub-directory. Display
- all files that are included.
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- Although these programs have been extensively tested, we cannot agree
- to be held responsible for any damages that might occur due to their
- (mis)use.
- If you find a bug, or something that you think is a bug, please send
- us a description of the problem. Any registered user who reports a
- real, and previously unreported bug will receive a free update of the
- program with the bug fixed (once the update becomes available.)
- Paul Kanevsky, August 1986